Fundación Siglo22 (Spain)
Fundación Siglo22 is a non-profit organization that is characterized by promoting, always through the use of technology, innovation so as gender equality into the educational field. Wanting to achieving a social change of people involved and respectful, able to build a sustainable future where the talent of people is valued. Promoting also critical thinking.
The aims of the Siglo22 Foundation are:
- Innovation and pedagogical improvement in the educational field.
- Equality of opportunities in terms of gender.
Some of the projects where Fundación Siglo22 is working are:
- Edu22 Centers: network of educational centers with the desire to adapt educational processes for current and future generations. This project aims to create a Network of Centers for teaching innovation and updating that includes the following levels of innovation:
1. Teaching Competencies:Training, counseling and coaching of teachers for innovation and professional development.
2. Project Coordination: Development of the center plan, support, advice and implementation of educational innovation projects.
3. Network Learning: Development of learning environments using web 2.0 tools, collaborative projects, invigoration of creativity in the classroom.
4. Network School: Network collaboration environments and platforms oriented to permanent innovation and exchange of experiences. The connected school.
Some of the actions within the framework of this project are:
- Teacher training in active methodologies, family schools, guidance and advice for educational innovation projects.
- Publications and creation of Virtual Community of teachers.
- Guidelines on: How to incorporate ICT in an educational center, Teaching Competencies for the Knowledge Society and others.
- European projects of educational innovation where online and face-to-face training is free for teachers, generation of educational resources and networks. Some of the projects are: VETIVER, COMTRAIN, OutsideIn and this RED project
- Generocional: Observatory for Gender Equality in young people, by carrying out several actions among which stand out:
- Contest competition for young people between 14 and 25 years to create interesting proposals on gender equality (advertising, music, film, humor, etc ...).
- Generation of a transgenerational Virtual Community on gender and equality.
- Publications, Congresses, appearance in the media, informative events.
Networks of creative women, supporting from the technology to obtain greater visibility and diffusion. Some of the actions carried out by the Foundation in this area are the granting of microcredits to creative women's projects that are part of the Mujeres con Habitación Propia (Women with Own Room) network. It is also responsible for the dissemination and generation of networking and participation events through the network.