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NTC (Bulgaria)

NTC (Bulgaria)

NTC is a private adult education and training company established in 1999 and is dedicated to supporting, advancing and promoting innovative education and training practices, through research projects in vocational and adult education. This includes developing and supporting international research partnerships and projects, coordinating major partnerships with other educational organizations and the private sector.

With over 17 years of experience until now, NTC has built substantial experience in project management and project administration in bilateral and multilateral international projects.Active in the field of business and entrepreneurship training since its foundation in 1999, NTC has been developing a strong research profile into education and training methodologies and assessment models since 2003. With over 17 years of experience until now, NTC has built substantial experience in project management and project administration in bilateral and multilateral international projects. The primary areas of research and development expertise are: training methodologies for adult education and training, competence-based assessment systems, EQF and ECVET referencing, curricula development, authoring learning materials, creating business-related games and case studies, designing/authoring/adapting training content for learners with Special Education Needs (SEN), promoting models of innovative entrepreneurship (startups, SMEs, green economy), promoting role-models for people with disabilities, propagating and enhancing diversity management models, authoring handbooks on implementing a variety of training-related tools and methodologies, establishing quality indicators for vocational training institutions and offerings, training teachers and training in project-based assessment methodologies.


NTC also employ planning and management methods from business and entrepreneurship, such as design thinking, lean product development, lean startups, etc. In 2004 NTC was licensed to operate the Adam Smith College of Management and until mid-2017 this was a key element of its activities which helped build a very strong profile in designing training programs, authoring training content and experimenting newly developed methodologies in adult and vocational training. Due to new legal requirements, the Adam Smith College of Management became a separate legal entity and now functions independently.


NTC is founding member of the non-profit organization Education Network Association and supports the NGO’s key activity of providing internationally accredited ICT certifications.

NTC has always been on the forefront of innovation in vocational and adult education. We are often engaged with initiatives which relate to research and implementation of scientific research into educational practice. We have a track record of developing and adapting innovation related to training methodologies, assessment methodologies, change and adapting the physical environment to improve learners' engagement, improving motivation to learn, training delivery modalities.

We always support the innovation-driven activities with solid scientific base from the fields of:

  • Cognitive Science
  • Cognitive Psychology and Behavioral Psychology
  • Didactics and Pedagogics



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