Euroface (Czech Republic)
Euroface is a member of Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Czech Republic since 2013.Euroface Consulting is a consulting and training centre fostering links between the education and production sectors, regionally and with some international outreach. Key strengths are people management skills and use of ICT that supports inclusion and equality most notably Open Source applications and free internet based resources. Euroface is dedicated to lowering the barriers to enter to education and the labour market through reducing costs for training and qualifications and acting as an agent for transfer innovation and has extensive experience in EU projects.
Euroface is dedicated to lowering the barriers to entry to education and the labour market through reducing costs for training and qualifications and acting as an agent for innovation transfer. Euroface as a member of networks of private, public, non-governmental organizations and vocational schools focused on integration of work-based learning into the practice together with effective using of ICT in education.
Euroface is a member of Association of Adult Education Institutions in the Czech Republic since 2013. As a member of biggest network of adult education institution has a great position for dissemination of the project.
Euroface has built up links to enterprises through Chambers of Commerce and direct contacts based on arrangement of work-based learning for vocational students. Further relations are based on training activities for managers and HR personnel in diversity management approach and support of employment young people, especially graduates.