Ljudska Univerza Velenje (Slovenia)
Ljudska univerza Velenje established in 1959 is public non-profit adult education institution providing education and support to various target groups. LUV takes an active part in regional community by improving the educational structure of the population, by motivating and informing the members of the community and by involving them in the formal and non-formal educational programmes. Staff of 15 is supported by over 60 contractual teachers. Programmes are intended for adults and youngsters.
Programmes include:
- Primary School for Adults
- Programmes for Vocational Secondary Education
- Professional Secondary education
- Technical-Vocational education
- Professional Post-secondary education
- Language Courses and ICT courses for adults and teenagers
- Training Programmes for special labour requirements
- Study Courses
- Leisure Programmes
- The National and international projects, etc.
Within LUV also operates Centre for Intergeneration learning that includes 2 permanently employed mentors and over 20 volunteers and Pattern City – an ecosystem for education, experimentation, prototyping and innovation. Unique, interactive digital learning environment is focused on providing interdisciplinary content with learning by doing and playful learning methodologies. LUV is actively involved in various local, regional and national initiatives and actions (Life-long learning week, educational festivals and other events). LUV has years of experience in participating and coordinating European projects and is currently involved in 11 Erasmus+ projects.