
Second meeting at Antwerp (Belgium)

Second meeting of RED Project took place in Antwerp from 09.00 to 18.00, 18th of September. This meeting was hosted by our Belgian partner JKVG.

JKVG, EUROFACE CONSULTING,LUV, NEW SERVICE, SIGLO 22, NTC & PRO WORK were the partners attending this meeting.

The meeting started with the welcome address by Christophe Danschutter,  representing JKVG. Then a brief overview listed all tasks that were planned to be discussed and solved during the meeting.

Concerning Intellectual Outputs, The needs analysis at IO1 was marked as Done. Also issues with Red Tests at IO2, the Roadmap at IO3 and the platform at IO4 were discussed and solved in the meeting, ending with clear to-do's of each partner in each Intellectual Output.

Then, the partners discussed more general topics:

  • Project management
  • Dissemination
  • Quality anagement
  • Quality evaluation

During the social dinner which took place in a local restaurant, Partners recalled the more than one year long cooperation, collaboration and more importantly the great moments of friendship.

As for the organization work, special thanks to Theo Grefkens former project coordinator for his dedicated work and commitment towards the successful fulfillment of the meeting.